This snowboarding-motocross racing-punk rock stud from Nevada fell in love with a cheerleading-wineaholic-kinda country/kinda city/kinda hippie girl from Nebraska and the rest is history...
I'm starting this blog to keep everyone in our amazing, loving circle of family and friends in the loop on our lives and upcoming wedding details. Let me know what you think!
With Chris studying and breaking the sound barrier on any given day over the skies of North Carolina and me dropping other random (simulated) people and objects out the back of the mighty Herk over Arkansas, our lives are so crazy we can barely keep track of each other!
Chris popped the question on May 27 on our weekend get-away in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and life hasn't slowed down since!
Horseback riding on the beach in South Carolina, May 27, 2012 |